/** @license
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @externs
* @typedef {{
* presentationTimeline: !shaka.media.PresentationTimeline,
* variants: !Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>,
* textStreams: !Array.<shaka.extern.Stream>,
* offlineSessionIds: !Array.<string>,
* minBufferTime: number
* }}
* @description
* <p>
* A Manifest object describes a collection of streams (segmented audio, video,
* or text data) that share a common timeline. We call the collection of
* streams "the presentation" and their timeline "the presentation timeline".
* A Manifest describes one of two types of presentations: live and
* video-on-demand.
* </p>
* <p>
* A live presentation begins at some point in time and either continues
* indefinitely or ends when the presentation stops broadcasting. For a live
* presentation, wall-clock time maps onto the presentation timeline, and the
* current wall-clock time maps to the live-edge (AKA "the current presentation
* time"). In contrast, a video-on-demand presentation exists entirely
* independent of wall-clock time.
* </p>
* <p>
* A variant is a combination of an audio and a video streams that can be played
* together.
* </p>
* <p>
* A stream has the same logical content as another stream if the only
* difference between the two is their quality. For example, an SD video stream
* and an HD video stream that depict the same scene have the same logical
* content; whereas an English audio stream and a French audio stream have
* different logical contents. The player can automatically switch between
* streams which have the same logical content to adapt to network conditions.
* </p>
* @property {!shaka.media.PresentationTimeline} presentationTimeline
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* The presentation timeline.
* @property {!Array.<shaka.extern.Variant>} variants
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* The presentation's Variants. There must be at least one Variant.
* @property {!Array.<shaka.extern.Stream>} textStreams
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* The presentation's text streams.
* @property {!Array.<string>} offlineSessionIds
* <i>Defaults to [].</i> <br>
* An array of EME sessions to load for offline playback.
* @property {number} minBufferTime
* <i>Defaults to 0.</i> <br>
* The minimum number of seconds of content that must be buffered before
* playback can begin. Can be overridden by a higher value from the Player
* configuration.
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* initData: !Uint8Array,
* initDataType: string,
* keyId: ?string
* }}
* @description
* Explicit initialization data, which override any initialization data in the
* content. The initDataType values and the formats that they correspond to
* are specified {@link https://bit.ly/EmeInitTypes here}.
* @property {!Uint8Array} initData
* Initialization data in the format indicated by initDataType.
* @property {string} initDataType
* A string to indicate what format initData is in.
* @property {?string} keyId
* The key Id that corresponds to this initData.
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* keySystem: string,
* licenseServerUri: string,
* distinctiveIdentifierRequired: boolean,
* persistentStateRequired: boolean,
* audioRobustness: string,
* videoRobustness: string,
* serverCertificate: Uint8Array,
* initData: Array.<!shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>,
* keyIds: Set.<string>
* }}
* @description
* DRM configuration for a single key system.
* @property {string} keySystem
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* The key system, e.g., "com.widevine.alpha".
* @property {string} licenseServerUri
* <i>Filled in by DRM config if missing.</i> <br>
* The license server URI.
* @property {boolean} distinctiveIdentifierRequired
* <i>Defaults to false. Can be filled in by advanced DRM config.</i> <br>
* True if the application requires the key system to support distinctive
* identifiers.
* @property {boolean} persistentStateRequired
* <i>Defaults to false. Can be filled in by advanced DRM config.</i> <br>
* True if the application requires the key system to support persistent
* state, e.g., for persistent license storage.
* @property {string} audioRobustness
* <i>Defaults to '', e.g., no specific robustness required. Can be filled in
* by advanced DRM config.</i> <br>
* A key-system-specific string that specifies a required security level.
* @property {string} videoRobustness
* <i>Defaults to '', e.g., no specific robustness required. Can be filled in
* by advanced DRM config.</i> <br>
* A key-system-specific string that specifies a required security level.
* @property {Uint8Array} serverCertificate
* <i>Defaults to null, e.g., certificate will be requested from the license
* server if required. Can be filled in by advanced DRM config.</i> <br>
* A key-system-specific server certificate used to encrypt license requests.
* Its use is optional and is meant as an optimization to avoid a round-trip
* to request a certificate.
* @property {Array.<!shaka.extern.InitDataOverride>} initData
* <i>Defaults to [], e.g., no override.</i> <br>
* A list of initialization data which override any initialization data found
* in the content. See also shaka.extern.InitDataOverride.
* @property {Set.<string>} keyIds
* <i>Defaults to the empty Set</i> <br>
* If not empty, contains the default key IDs for this key system, as
* lowercase hex strings.
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* id: number,
* language: string,
* primary: boolean,
* audio: ?shaka.extern.Stream,
* video: ?shaka.extern.Stream,
* bandwidth: number,
* allowedByApplication: boolean,
* allowedByKeySystem: boolean
* }}
* @description
* A Variant describes a combination of an audio and video streams which
* could be played together. It's possible to have a video/audio only
* variant.
* @property {number} id
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* A unique ID among all Variant objects within the same Manifest.
* @property {string} language
* <i>Defaults to '' (i.e., unknown).</i> <br>
* The Variant's language, specified as a language code. <br>
* See {@link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646} <br>
* See {@link http://www.iso.org/iso/home/standards/language_codes.htm}
* @property {boolean} primary
* <i>Defaults to false.</i> <br>
* True indicates that the player should use this Variant over others if user
* preferences cannot be met. The player may still use another Variant to
* meet user preferences.
* @property {?shaka.extern.Stream} audio
* The audio stream of the variant.
* @property {?shaka.extern.Stream} video
* The video stream of the variant.
* @property {number} bandwidth
* The variant's required bandwidth in bits per second.
* @property {boolean} allowedByApplication
* <i>Defaults to true.</i><br>
* Set by the Player to indicate whether the variant is allowed to be played
* by the application.
* @property {boolean} allowedByKeySystem
* <i>Defaults to true.</i><br>
* Set by the Player to indicate whether the variant is allowed to be played
* by the key system.
* @exportDoc
* Creates a SegmentIndex; returns a Promise that resolves after the
* SegmentIndex has been created.
* @typedef {function(): !Promise}
* @exportDoc
* @typedef {{
* id: number,
* originalId: ?string,
* createSegmentIndex: shaka.extern.CreateSegmentIndexFunction,
* segmentIndex: shaka.media.SegmentIndex,
* mimeType: string,
* codecs: string,
* frameRate: (number|undefined),
* pixelAspectRatio: (string|undefined),
* bandwidth: (number|undefined),
* width: (number|undefined),
* height: (number|undefined),
* kind: (string|undefined),
* encrypted: boolean,
* drmInfos: !Array.<shaka.extern.DrmInfo>,
* keyIds: !Set.<string>,
* language: string,
* label: ?string,
* type: string,
* primary: boolean,
* trickModeVideo: ?shaka.extern.Stream,
* emsgSchemeIdUris: ?Array.<string>,
* roles: !Array.<string>,
* channelsCount: ?number,
* audioSamplingRate: ?number,
* closedCaptions: Map.<string, string>
* }}
* @description
* A Stream object describes a single stream (segmented media data).
* @property {number} id
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* A unique ID among all Stream objects within the same Manifest.
* @property {?string} originalId
* <i>Optional.</i> <br>
* The original ID, if any, that appeared in the manifest. For example, in
* DASH, this is the "id" attribute of the Representation element. In HLS,
* this is the "NAME" attribute.
* @property {shaka.extern.CreateSegmentIndexFunction} createSegmentIndex
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* Creates the Stream's segmentIndex (asynchronously).
* @property {shaka.media.SegmentIndex} segmentIndex
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* May be null until createSegmentIndex() is complete.
* @property {string} mimeType
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* The Stream's MIME type, e.g., 'audio/mp4', 'video/webm', or 'text/vtt'.
* @property {string} codecs
* <i>Defaults to '' (i.e., unknown / not needed).</i> <br>
* The Stream's codecs, e.g., 'avc1.4d4015' or 'vp9', which must be
* compatible with the Stream's MIME type. <br>
* See {@link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6381}
* @property {(number|undefined)} frameRate
* <i>Video streams only.</i> <br>
* The Stream's framerate in frames per second
* @property {(string|undefined)} pixelAspectRatio
* <i>Video streams only.</i> <br>
* The Stream's pixel aspect ratio
* @property {(number|undefined)} bandwidth
* <i>Audio and video streams only.</i> <br>
* The stream's required bandwidth in bits per second.
* @property {(number|undefined)} width
* <i>Video streams only.</i> <br>
* The stream's width in pixels.
* @property {(number|undefined)} height
* <i>Video streams only.</i> <br>
* The stream's height in pixels.
* @property {(string|undefined)} kind
* <i>Text streams only.</i> <br>
* The kind of text stream. For example, 'caption' or 'subtitle'.
* @see https://bit.ly/TextKind
* @property {boolean} encrypted
* <i>Defaults to false.</i><br>
* True if the stream is encrypted.
* @property {!Array.<!shaka.extern.DrmInfo>} drmInfos
* <i>Defaults to [] (i.e., no DRM).</i> <br>
* An array of DrmInfo objects which describe DRM schemes are compatible with
* the content.
* @property {!Set.<string>} keyIds
* <i>Defaults to empty (i.e., unencrypted or key ID unknown).</i> <br>
* The stream's key IDs as lowercase hex strings. These key IDs identify the
* encryption keys that the browser (key system) can use to decrypt the
* stream.
* @property {string} language
* The Stream's language, specified as a language code. <br>
* Audio stream's language must be identical to the language of the containing
* Variant.
* @property {?string} label
* The Stream's label, unique text that should describe the audio/text track.
* @property {string} type
* <i>Required.</i> <br>
* Content type (e.g. 'video', 'audio' or 'text')
* @property {boolean} primary
* <i>Defaults to false.</i> <br>
* True indicates that the player should use this Stream over others if user
* preferences cannot be met. The player may still use another Variant to
* meet user preferences.
* @property {?shaka.extern.Stream} trickModeVideo
* <i>Video streams only.</i> <br>
* An alternate video stream to use for trick mode playback.
* @property {?Array.<string>} emsgSchemeIdUris
* <i>Defaults to empty.</i><br>
* Array of registered emsg box scheme_id_uri that should result in
* Player events.
* @property {!Array.<string>} roles
* The roles of the stream as they appear on the manifest,
* e.g. 'main', 'caption', or 'commentary'.
* @property {?number} channelsCount
* The channel count information for the audio stream.
* @property {?number} audioSamplingRate
* Specifies the maximum sampling rate of the content.
* @property {Map.<string, string>} closedCaptions
* A map containing the description of closed captions, with the caption
* channel number (CC1 | CC2 | CC3 | CC4) as the key and the language code
* as the value. If the channel number is not provided by the description,
* we'll set an 0-based index as the key.
* Example: {'CC1': 'eng'; 'CC3': 'swe'}, or {'1', 'eng'; '2': 'swe'}, etc.
* @exportDoc