Source: lib/util/destroyer.js

/** @license
 * Copyright 2016 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0



 * @summary
 * A utility class to help work with |shaka.util.IDestroyable| objects.
 * @final
shaka.util.Destroyer = class {
   * @param {function():!Promise} callback
   *    A callback to destroy an object. This callback will only be called once
   *    regardless of how many times |destroy| is called.
  constructor(callback) {
    /** @private {boolean} */
    this.destroyed_ = false;

    /** @private {!shaka.util.PublicPromise} */
    this.waitOnDestroy_ = new shaka.util.PublicPromise();

    /** @private {function():!Promise} */
    this.onDestroy_ = callback;

   * Check if |destroy| has been called. This returning |true| does not mean
   * that the promise returned by |destroy| has resolved yet.
   * @return {boolean}
   * @final
  destroyed() {
    return this.destroyed_;

   * Request that the destroy callback be called. Will return a promise that
   * will resolve once the callback terminates. The promise will never be
   * rejected.
   * @return {!Promise}
   * @final
  destroy() {
    if (this.destroyed_) {
      return this.waitOnDestroy_;

    // We have started destroying this object, so we should never get here
    // again.
    this.destroyed_ = true;

    return this.onDestroy_().then(
        () => { this.waitOnDestroy_.resolve(); },
        () => { this.waitOnDestroy_.resolve(); });

   * Checks if the object is destroyed and throws an error if it is.
   * @param {*=} error The inner error, if any.
  ensureNotDestroyed(error) {
    if (this.destroyed_) {
      if (error instanceof shaka.util.Error &&
          error.code == shaka.util.Error.Code.OBJECT_DESTROYED) {
        throw error;
      throw shaka.util.Destroyer.destroyedError(error);

   * @param {*=} error The inner error, if any.
   * @return {!shaka.util.Error}
  static destroyedError(error) {
    return new shaka.util.Error(