Source: ui/ui.js

/** @license
 * Copyright 2016 Google LLC
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0



 * @implements {shaka.util.IDestroyable}
 * @export
shaka.ui.Overlay = class {
   * @param {!shaka.Player} player
   * @param {!HTMLElement} videoContainer
   * @param {!HTMLMediaElement} video
  constructor(player, videoContainer, video) {
    /** @private {shaka.Player} */
    this.player_ = player;

    /** @private {!shaka.extern.UIConfiguration} */
    this.config_ = this.defaultConfig_();

    // Make sure this container is discoverable and that the UI can be reached
    // through it.
    videoContainer['dataset']['shakaPlayerContainer'] = '';
    videoContainer['ui'] = this;

    // Tag the container for mobile platforms, to allow different styles.
    if (this.isMobile()) {

    /** @private {shaka.ui.Controls} */
    this.controls_ = new shaka.ui.Controls(
        player, videoContainer, video, this.config_);

    // Run the initial setup so that no configure() call is required for default
    // settings.

    // If the browser's native controls are disabled, use UI TextDisplayer.
    if (!video.controls) {

    videoContainer['ui'] = this;
    video['ui'] = this;

   * @override
   * @export
  async destroy() {
    if (this.controls_) {
      await this.controls_.destroy();
    this.controls_ = null;

    if (this.player_) {
      await this.player_.destroy();
    this.player_ = null;

   * Detects if this is a mobile platform, in case you want to choose a
   * different UI configuration on mobile devices.
   * @return {boolean}
   * @export
  isMobile() {
    return shaka.util.Platform.isMobile();

   * @return {!shaka.extern.UIConfiguration}
   * @export
  getConfiguration() {
    const ret = this.defaultConfig_();
        ret, this.config_, this.defaultConfig_(),
        /* overrides= */ {}, /* path= */ '');
    return ret;

   * @param {string|!Object} config This should either be a field name or an
   *   object following the form of {@link shaka.extern.UIConfiguration}, where
   *   you may omit any field you do not wish to change.
   * @param {*=} value This should be provided if the previous parameter
   *   was a string field name.
   * @export
  configure(config, value) {
    goog.asserts.assert(typeof(config) == 'object' || arguments.length == 2,
        'String configs should have values!');

    // ('fieldName', value) format
    if (arguments.length == 2 && typeof(config) == 'string') {
      config = shaka.util.ConfigUtils.convertToConfigObject(config, value);

    goog.asserts.assert(typeof(config) == 'object', 'Should be an object!');

        this.config_, config, this.defaultConfig_(),
        /* overrides= */ {}, /* path= */ '');

    // If a cast receiver app id has been given, add a cast button to the UI
    if (this.config_.castReceiverAppId &&
        !this.config_.overflowMenuButtons.includes('cast')) {

    goog.asserts.assert(this.player_ != null, 'Should have a player!');


    this.controls_.dispatchEvent(new shaka.util.FakeEvent('uiupdated'));

   * @return {shaka.ui.Controls}
   * @export
  getControls() {
    return this.controls_;

   * Enable or disable the custom controls.
   * @param {boolean} enabled
   * @export
  setEnabled(enabled) {

   * @return {!shaka.extern.UIConfiguration}
   * @private
  defaultConfig_() {
    const config = {
      controlPanelElements: [
      overflowMenuButtons: [
      addSeekBar: true,
      addBigPlayButton: false,
      castReceiverAppId: '',
      clearBufferOnQualityChange: true,
      showUnbufferedStart: false,
      seekBarColors: {
        base: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)',
        buffered: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54)',
        played: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
        adBreaks: 'rgb(255, 204, 0)',
      volumeBarColors: {
        base: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54)',
        level: 'rgb(255, 255, 255)',
      trackLabelFormat: shaka.ui.TrackLabelFormat.LANGUAGE,
      fadeDelay: 0,
      doubleClickForFullscreen: true,
      enableKeyboardPlaybackControls: true,
      enableFullscreenOnRotation: true,

    // On mobile, by default, hide the volume slide and the small play/pause
    // button and show the big play/pause button in the center.
    // This is in line with default styles in Chrome.
    if (this.isMobile()) {
      config.addBigPlayButton = true;
      config.controlPanelElements = config.controlPanelElements.filter(
          (name) => name != 'play_pause' && name != 'volume');

    return config;

   * @private
  static async scanPageForShakaElements_() {
    // Install built-in polyfills to patch browser incompatibilities.
    // Check to see if the browser supports the basic APIs Shaka needs.
    if (!shaka.Player.isBrowserSupported()) {
      shaka.log.error('Shaka Player does not support this browser. ' +
          'Please see for the list of ' +
          'supported browsers.');

      // After scanning the page for elements, fire a special "loaded" event for
      // when the load fails. This will allow the page to react to the failure.

    // Look for elements marked 'data-shaka-player-container'
    // on the page. These will be used to create our default
    // UI.
    const containers = document.querySelectorAll(

    // Look for elements marked 'data-shaka-player'. They will
    // either be used in our default UI or with native browser
    // controls.
    const videos = document.querySelectorAll(

    if (!videos.length && !containers.length) {
      // No elements have been tagged with shaka attributes.
    } else if (videos.length && !containers.length) {
      // Just the video elements were provided.
      for (const video of videos) {
        // If the app has already manually created a UI for this element,
        // don't create another one.
        if (video['ui']) {
        goog.asserts.assert(video.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'video',
            'Should be a video element!');

        const container = document.createElement('div');
        const videoParent = video.parentElement;
        videoParent.replaceChild(container, video);

        shaka.ui.Overlay.setupUIandAutoLoad_(container, video);
    } else {
      for (const container of containers) {
        // If the app has already manually created a UI for this element,
        // don't create another one.
        if (container['ui']) {
        goog.asserts.assert(container.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div',
            'Container should be a div!');

        let currentVideo = null;
        for (const video of videos) {
          goog.asserts.assert(video.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'video',
              'Should be a video element!');
          if (video.parentElement == container) {
            currentVideo = video;

        if (!currentVideo) {
          currentVideo = document.createElement('video');
          currentVideo.setAttribute('playsinline', '');

        // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
        await shaka.ui.Overlay.setupUIandAutoLoad_(container, currentVideo);

    // After scanning the page for elements, fire the "loaded" event.  This will
    // let apps know they can use the UI library programmatically now, even if
    // they didn't have any Shaka-related elements declared in their HTML.

   * @param {string} eventName
   * @private
  static dispatchLoadedEvent_(eventName) {
    // "Event" is not constructable on IE, so we use this CustomEvent pattern.
    const uiLoadedEvent = /** @type {!CustomEvent} */(
    uiLoadedEvent.initCustomEvent(eventName, false, false, null);


   * @param {!Element} container
   * @param {!Element} video
   * @private
  static async setupUIandAutoLoad_(container, video) {
    // Create the UI
    const player = new shaka.Player(
    const ui = new shaka.ui.Overlay(player,

    // Get and configure cast app id.
    let castAppId = '';

    // Cast receiver id can be specified on either container or video.
    // It should not be provided on both. If it was, we will use the last
    // one we saw.
    if (container['dataset'] &&
        container['dataset']['shakaPlayerCastReceiverId']) {
      castAppId = container['dataset']['shakaPlayerCastReceiverId'];
    } else if (video['dataset'] &&
               video['dataset']['shakaPlayerCastReceiverId']) {
      castAppId = video['dataset']['shakaPlayerCastReceiverId'];

    if (castAppId.length) {
      ui.configure({castReceiverAppId: castAppId});

    if (shaka.util.Dom.asHTMLMediaElement(video).controls) {

    // Get the source and load it
    // Source can be specified either on the video element:
    //  <video src='foo.m2u8'></video>
    // or as a separate element inside the video element:
    //  <video>
    //    <source src='foo.m2u8'/>
    //  </video>
    // It should not be specified on both.
    const src = video.getAttribute('src');
    if (src) {
      const sourceElem = document.createElement('source');
      sourceElem.setAttribute('src', src);

    for (const elem of video.querySelectorAll('source')) {
      try { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
        await ui.getControls().getPlayer().load(elem.getAttribute('src'));
      } catch (e) {
        shaka.log.error('Error auto-loading asset', e);

 * Describes what information should show up in labels for selecting audio
 * variants and text tracks.
 * @enum {number}
 * @export
shaka.ui.TrackLabelFormat = {
  'LANGUAGE': 0,
  'ROLE': 1,

if (document.readyState == 'complete') {
  // Don't fire this event synchronously.  In a compiled bundle, the "shaka"
  // namespace might not be exported to the window until after this point.
  (async () => {
    await Promise.resolve();
} else {
  window.addEventListener('load', shaka.ui.Overlay.scanPageForShakaElements_);